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Welcome to EJCA’s new website! ようこそ、新しいウエブサイトへ

15 Nov 2020 4:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The new website is now live as of November 15, 2020.  Enjoy!!

The new features of the website are:

  1. access to latest information, newsletters, library information and facility calendar
  2. a modern, secure and robust IT platform, with a mobile-friendly design
  3. integrated events management and membership handling
  4. self-serve capabilities - members can keep their contact information current, renew, pay, register for events and courses, review invoices and payments 
  5. styled using our own new EJCA design and branding

The new website is part of an integrated membership and association management suite hosted and provided by Wild Apricot, Inc.

One of the most important features is the membership management component. Your membership information has been transferred from the previous membership database.

Each membership (single or family) will have an account that is used when renewing your EJCA membership, registering for classes, workshops or events.

Members will receive an email within the next 2-4 weeks. It will instruct you how to set up a password for your account so that you can log in to the account and review your (single or family) profile, renew membership and so on.

EJCA still supports the traditional ‘paper based’, ‘at the door’ or ‘cash/cheque’ processes for membership renewal, events sign up and mailing-out of printed Moshi Moshi.

Please email to for any comments or questions.


The EJCA Website Redesign Project team.




  1. 新しい情報、会報、図書リスト、会館のレンタルカレンダーが見られる。

  2. 最新のWebsite技術を使い、安全性が高く効率的で、モーバイル機器に対応している。

  3. イベント管理と会員管理の機能が連携している。

  4. 会員が会員登録や会費の支払い、イベントへの参加申し込みを自分で行える。

  5. EJCAの新しいロゴを作り、Websiteのデザインを刷新した。

このWebsiteはWild Apricot社の会員管理アプリケーションを使っています。


これから2-4週間の内に、どのようにアカウントのPassword を設定するかをお知らせするメールをお送りします。Passwordを設定するとそれぞれのアカウントから 自分のProfileを見たり、変更したりできます。



EJCA Website Redesign Project teamより

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